How Its People Can Be Scambag
Unbelievable How It Could Be
Something Is To Be Brought Back
Faded Away Are Values
Holdings Were To Be Vanished
Following What Is Upon Tunes
Running Towards Rubbish
Swiveling Around False Pretences
A Way To Keep It All 'Yusser' *
A Misconception Been Haunting One's Mind
Yelling Out, Yelp, As a Führer..
With A Dust-up Against Allah Scriptures..
Insane Does It Seem To Be.. Truly It Does!
And There A Mishmash It Sounds To Be!
An Uphill Battle Been Called
Topsy-turvy, How Far Can He Go?
With Me Toppling Over And Him As A Floe!
* Yusser means easiness. But the main idea is a misconception about Islam, thinking that following all what has been revelled in Qur'aan and Sunna is Extremism, a dollop of it would be Yusser though. And this is a misjudge.