Monday, June 29, 2009

An Uphill Battle

How The World Can Be Scuzzy
How Its People Can Be Scambag
Unbelievable How It Could Be
Something Is To Be Brought Back

Faded Away Are Values
Holdings Were To Be Vanished
Following What Is Upon Tunes
Running Towards Rubbish

Swiveling Around False Pretences
A Way To Keep It All 'Yusser' *
A Misconception Been Haunting One's Mind
Yelling Out, Yelp, As a Führer..

With A Dust-up Against Allah Scriptures..
Insane Does It Seem To Be.. Truly It Does!
And There A Mishmash It Sounds To Be!

An Uphill Battle Been Called
Topsy-turvy, How Far Can He Go?
With Me Toppling Over And Him As A Floe!

* Yusser means easiness. But the main idea is a misconception about Islam, thinking that following all what has been revelled in Qur'aan and Sunna is Extremism, a dollop of it would be Yusser though. And this is a misjudge.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day Of Resurrection's Video

Here is a beautiful nasheed about the Day of Resurection article translated into English. Well is not really a nasheed, it could be seen as a moral of life and death, a moral for evey Muslim and Muslimah. Don't actually know the chantey or whom chants it. But hey Listen to it CAREFULLY!!
"Yawma lâ yanfa'ü mâlun wa lâ banuna illa man ata llaha bi qalbin saleem"

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Regarding the innovations, it has been narrated that Ibnu al Mussayyîb
One of the greatest followers, saw a man who was performing prayer after Al fajr..
And he used to bend and prostrate a lot... So that great man advised him not to do it…
The other said “Ayuäthibuni llahu äla salah?” “Would Allah punish me for prayer?”
The wise man said “la yuäthibuka äla khilâfi Sunna” which means…
Allah would punish you for disobeying the saying Of Prophet Muhammad
Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him…
As another event happened with Imam Malik
One man came to him and asked him “min ayna uhrim?”…
The imam said “ahrim min Thy al hulayfa”, then… The man said
I want to do ihram from the mosque, from the Tomb Of Muhammad…
Peace Be Upon Him”, Malik said “La tafäl… You shall not do it, I’m afraid
That you get into fitna”, “Inni akhsha älayka lfitna!”
Cause this wasn’t the Sunna of Our Prophet
Älayhi salaatu wa salaam
Then man said “wa ayyu fitnatin fi hatha innama sa azidu amyalan?”
The imam replied into words of wisdom and one verse from Qur’aan,
Wa kayfa laka allâ tuftan wa qad waqaäta äla fadilatin lam yaqaä
Älayha nabiyû Salla llahu älayhi wa sallam; and how can't you be into a ftina
And you think that you stepped into a goody that Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad
Himself Didn't do before peace be upon him, moreover I heard Allah said:
Falya’hthari llatheena yukhâlifuna än amrihi an tusibahum fitna aw yusîbahum
Äthabun aleem”, which means: “And there be warned those who disobey
His orders that a fitna may occurred to them or a painful punishment”

The great companion of Muhammad salla llahu älayhi
wa sallam, Ibnu Mas'üd said :

" Ittabi'ü wa lâ tabtadi'ü "

The Day Of Resurrection

D-day the Day Of Resurrection where all beings stand up to their Lord…

Actually Life is a long road full of hitches and hassles… Rises and Falls…

Just to be tested for all the Blessings we’ve been given… Life is simply a test…

So Allah would tell you, You the sinner… “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself…?

Disobeying me The Almighty? And hiding your committing sins from my creations…?

And with your Ingratitude you came up to Me? With what shall not be a savior to you…”

Oh Goodness haven’t I heard the word of Allah calling me…?

Haven’t I heard what has been revelled in Qaaf and Yaseen…?

Haven’t I been warned about that day…? Day of judgement… Day of resurrection…?

"Qul Inni akhâfu in ässaytu rabbi äthaba yawmin ätheem"