Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here & The Hereafter

Whisper Of Wisdom,

Salaamu Äleykumu Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Abu Hurayra narrated that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said: {world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer}
Sahih Muslim Volume1 Book42 Number7058

Verily, it is true that dunya is a prison-house for Believers for what they see as fitan, for what they bear as wills.. desires and for what they struggle with as Shaytân Whispers!

Thus Allah says in Sûrah Al-Änkabût: {Alif. Lâm. Mîm. (1) Ahasiba 'nâsu ayyutrakû ayyaqûlû âmanna wa hum lâ yuftanûn (2) Wa laqad fattannâ llathîna min qablihim falya'älamanna llahu llathîna sadaqû walya'älamanna lkâthibîn (3) }

Here is an english translation for these verses: {Alif. Lâm. Mîm. (1) Do Men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with afflicions? (2) Lo! We tested those who were before them. Thus Allah knows those who are sincere and knows those who feign. (3)}

As Shadab -my friend- mentioned in the "Al-Insânu Ashraful Makhluqat" article, that we were created and we've been granted with so many blessings, then Allah would test us in Dunya with what we've been given. Therefore, believing in Allah would certainly not free us from this test, cause with affliction that Allah knows -He is the All-Knowing- the righteous Believers and the liars, the hypocrits ones.

But regarding the Disbelievers, they are not tested till they accept the truth which Islam came up with, though they are in an upseting rush, a troubleous life, in different shapes of afflictions. Allah says in Sûrah Taha: {Wa man a'ärada än thikrî fa inna lahû ma'ïchatan dankâ wa nahshuruhu yawma lqiyâmati a'ämâ (124)}

Which means in English: {But he who turnes away from remembrance of Me, his life will be narrow, and I shall bring him blind to the assembly on the Day of Resurection. (124)}

They would never recognize peace coming within themselves till the day they kiss away their disbelief. This verse was not revelled only on disbelievers but also on believers who let down remembering Allah, go against the straight path with their sinful deeds and who act likely as disbelievers.

Concerning the hadeeth I mentioned below, it has been narrated that Al Hafizu Bnu Hijr went out in a great procession elegantly riding a mule when a Jewish attacked him, wearing a scruffy skimpy little dress. He stopped the mule and said to the scholar: ' O you who pretend that your prophet said "The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer"..Which prison you are into and which paradise I am in? '

So Al Hafizu Bnu Hijr said: ' True.. In your sadness and misery you are in Paradise for what is been prepared for you, in the hereafter, as cruel and everlasting punishment.. While me, in spite of my welfare over here, this is to be seen as a prison, for what is waiting for me in Paradise '

* The picture upside is the sûrah Taha verse in Arabic.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Al-Insânu ashraful makhlooqat.. Why?

Salâmu Aleykumu Warahmatullah

Actually I've had a very interesting conversation lately with a Indian friend of mine (Shadab). He was the one scrutinizing the point. All about Äqeeda in Islam. He started by asking me one question, one and only one tough question.

Shadab: Why allah said that human being are "ashraful makhluqat" though they are far from worshiping Allah as the malâ'ika (angels) do? Please let me know about your opinion.

My first reply was very spontaneous, I went like;

Me: May be cause Allah gave him that responsibility of al-istikhlafu in the earth.
Then I quickly had one thought which was bursting my mind over and over again and I said;

Me: You know that verse in Surah Al-Israâ " Wa laqad karramna banî Âdama", I once heard its explanation by a well-known Scholar. He said that when Allah created animals, he blessed them with desire but no reasoning (âql). And when He subhanahu wa taâla created Malâ'ika (Angels), he blessed them with reasoning but no desire. Whereas creating the human being, He bestowed him with reasoning and desire. So we have been honored by these two blessings. I think that would be a good answer, ain't it?

Shadab: Okay, good enough but the description is still not complete.
One makhlooq is Malâ'ika; Allah subhanahu kept no willing power in this makhlooq. They have been charged for praise and prayers. With their willing, they can't do any good or bad.
Second one is animals, no questions and answers for them in the hearafter (Âkhira). they don't have power to sense Jannah and Jahannam (heaven and hell), nor Shariä, nor even ahkâm (laws) for them. they are free.

So you see, first makhlooq is 100% tightened with rules and regulations by Allah, but nothing for the second makhlooq. And between them, Allah created a third makhlooq called Al-Insân.

Before the beginning of dunya, Allah called upon all the souls of humans in Älam Al-arwah (World of souls) and asked them " Tell, who is your Lord?". You and me and all the humans answered in one voice "RabbiAllah" My Lord is Allah. Then Allah said, I'm sending all of you in dunya, where there will be an exam for you, you will be given a time and a life. In this life, you will not see Me nor my Malâ'ika. You will be given will to do good and bad and also a mind to decide either good or bad. I want that all of you be gone through this exam and return to Me so I could reward you. There will be two enemies for you to misguide you from the straight path. One is your own nafss (will), the other one is Shaytân (devil). And there will be guidance for you from time to time; these are my books and my messengers.

Now you can see this third makhlooq has been kept in a big exam. So now Al-insân has to live in this world, he/she has to fill up all the duties of everyone according to Ahkâm (laws) and Shariä. And by doing all of these dealings, he should keep his aim concentrated, should not be diverted, that he/she breaks any of Allah' Shariä or Ahkâm. That's why Allah calls -those who remembers him in dunya and follow his messengers- Ashraful makhlooqat.
So by just doing ïbâdat and trying to save ourself from the dunya is not according to Shariä of Rasulullah. We have to fill up each and every bodies duties in this world according to Rasulullah Aleyhi salâtu wa salâmu.

Back to me, Masha'Allah, truly he needs a du'a for this awesome explanation!
May Allah give me and you well all muslims all stength to walk on the right path and be among his righteous ïbâd. May Allah have mercy on us and grant us the pardon of all our sins and bless us with Jannatul Fridauss. Ameen, ameen, ameen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Snake & Oak Over The Hemlock

Brand New.. Frustration!

A Pretty Long Snake Would Be
The Head I am, The Tail You'd Be
It's Body Is Far Big From The Sea

But One Of Us Must Be Called a Carefree!

Yes, She Is Supposed To Be a Deacon
With Every Word She flashed on,
Muslim 'N Bukhari Would Cry Shame away!
She, Scolding Me, A Spruce Of Norway*
An Aspen He, Cheering Her All The Way..

Patience, Patience, Like a Hemlock;
But Oh! Speading, Tearing Along Like a White Oak!

Deprivin' Me From The Best Thing Ever In My Life
Then Askin' Me Why All This Misery 'n Strife!

* Spruce of Norway is an evergreen tree with needle-like leaves and very long hard fruits
, which would be a metaphore for her cruelty!