Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One and Only One Word Can Describe it AMAZING!

Salaamu äleykumu warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu,

Actually this is a story that I heard yesterday, while listenin to a sheikh from syria! I don't recall his name but he's very famous. His lectures are mostly regarding Äqeeda. I loved it so much and I wanted to share it with my dear brothers and sisters.

He narrated a story of a woman, a good worshiper in the time of rasulullah salla llahu älayhi wa sallam.
So one day, this woman woke up at night and performed wudu' (ablutions), then prayed qiyam layl (night prayer). After that, she began making du'a.

She said "O Allah I'm asking you with your love to me that you forgive me and have mercy on me and grant me from your bounties".
But while she was making du'a a man passed by her house and accidently heard what she was saying. He was really dumbfounded.

So when she was done, he told her "wayhaki ya mra'a" which means "Oh you lady, shame on you" he carried on saying "this is a non-respectful way to supplicate Allah! You should instead say O Allah I'm asking you by my love to you not your love to me, to forgive me and have mercy on me and grant me from your bounties".

You know what she replied..?

She told him "if He -the Almighty- didn't love me He would not have waken me up at this hour, if He didn't love me He would not have let me stand by His hands, if He didn't love me He would not have let me speak these words"

Such a beautiful story!

Maashaa'Allah, whispering words of wisdom. The Ummah is missing such people nowadays.
O Allah do not astray our hearts after you have guided them and grant us from your mercy, for You the Grantor of All Bounties. Ameen.