Tuesday, February 9, 2010
A smoothy like no other - Mashaa'Allah ~~
Mashaa´Allah.. A very smooth voice!
A recitation of Surah Al-alaq by the so young boy Ahmad Sa'üd.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
La Última Parte: Commitment Push

Salaamu Äleykumu warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu,
Deeply sorry. I always make you wait longer than I predict, always promise you a sooner post and I break my promise ~~ Anyway no reproaches this time ~~ Here is La Última Parte de mí commitment --
The push to commitment was something basically different. It was not a friend, nor a singing competition, nor even the holy book. Actually, I’m right a human being with a very weak immune system so I often fall sick. I’d had a terrible psychic illness. I had undergone an aphony of 13 days. It was not the first time, perhaps the fifth. But it was the first time that it lasted that long. 13 days without a single word out, 13 days with a paper and a pen carried out, 13 days with my head dug into my shoulders, 13 days running through a speech therapy.. !
But this speech therapy didn't stop at 13 ~ I wished it had stopped right there ~ I had to go through many physical exercices.. For sure that I had to take some medicine and it has always been the same tablets. But this time -like no other- it went diffrently!
I refused to take any more medicine, I was obliged anyway to attend the speech therapy sessions though. They were paying loads of money on that, hoping that it would bring my voice back. I remember very well my so first session. It was terrible. The therapist asked me to pronounce some letters on a microphone linked to a software. I did but it was horrible, no sound came out for sure. And the so weird thing, the magnectic spectrum of the software has only detected the air, the spectrum has not reached the level of a vocal sound. I was amazed and so was the orthophonist. I couldn't help myself crying and I bursted out in front of the therapist. I have been consoled but that couldn't help much. Was a cold comfort.
I started bi fadlin min rabbi -within Allah's help- performing night prayer. And then I would stay a long time supplicating to Allah and crying so that I wouldn't be dumb all my lifetime. Subhana'Allah once I'm in, I felt great spiritualities while prostrating and to my surprise I could stay a longer time laying my head on the ground, thing that I was not used to.
Bismillahi ‘rahmâni 'rahîm () Yâ ayyuha lmuzzammil (1) Qumi ‘llayla illa qalila (2) Nisfahu awinquss minhu qalila (3) Aw zid älayhi wa rattili lqur’âna tartîla (4) Inna sanulqi älayka qawlan thaqîla (5) Inna nâshi’ata ‘llayli hiya ashaddu wat’an wa aqwamu qîla (6) Inna laka fi ‘nahari sabhan tawîla (7) Wa thkuri smarabbika wa tabattal ilayhi tabtîla (8) Rabbu lmashriqi wal maghribi lâ ilâha illa huwa fattakhidhu wakîla (9) Wa sbir äla mâ yaqûlûna wa hjurhum hajran jamîla (10) Wa dharni wal mukadhibîna ûli ‘ni’ïmati wa mahhilhum qalîla (11)
And alhamdulillah so have I done, but without knowing these verses; Subhana´Allah that was a true guidance from Al-Hâdi. And since then, I never cut off qiyâmulayl and started digging deep into my deen and got myself engaged into Islam commitment, glory be to Allah :) This is the end of the push. But as you know, everyone who walks on this path, has to go through various trials and tests. I'm in and I'm overcoming all of that. Because that's how a person can get accepted by Allah s.w.t.
May Allah have mercy on us for Him the Merciful, grant us the pardon of all our sins, grant us Jannatulfirdauss and enroll us among the righteous people in the Doom's Day. Ameen.