Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Praying Allah

Salamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatu Lah,
We don't become Muslims, cause our parents are so.. Or cause we were born in a Muslim country.. Is all by true conviction.. Is either we kept that fitrah we've been created with.. The fitrah of One God Existence.. One and Unique God.. Or Not!

Islam is not only a religion that gathers Christianism and Judaism with things more logical and Omiting others which are illogical.. Islam is all deeds!

I don't say that I became Muslim once I was born.. Nope.. Wrongly wrong.. I became a true Muslim till the time I thought to myself "Why Should We Pray?" "Why Should We Fast?" "Why Should We Give Charity To The Needy?" ..

Actually, I've been acting as a Muslim in my early and late tenies ^_^ .. But I hadn't known the aim of worshiping God.. ! It might seem kind of strange thinking this way.. Though every Muslim would've gone through this step.. Alhamdulillah I was born in a Muslim family, so I didn't have to struggle to find the right path .. The righty deen!

When I knew the aim of praying, I started to pray at the age of 11.. Late yea?!! Whatever..

I must confess.. It was a bit tough to me at first! My parents were beating me up to do my prayers.. As I was cutting off.. And I sometimes didn't perform Wudu' as it should be! Ya allah =( .. Doesn't matter, Allah is the Merciful, the Forgiving..

Then I think doing something without knowing the aim of it -- Is nothing.. Is truly nothing =)
Though is been over 4 years that I havent cut off praying, cause I found out almost everything about it.. Then, about 4 months that I wake up for Salat AlFajr.. Just feel blissful at that hour.. And doing du'a are always answerd! He's the Responsive "Mujeeb".. Gracías por Díos, mis oraciones están siempre acogidas !

Just think it over -- If the prime minister asked you to meet him 5 times a day.. Would you say No? Would you reject his request? Would you even dare to say No?!! No way.. That will cheer you up.. You'd be well dressed.. You'd be ELEGANTLY dressed.. Wearing a sweet perfume and all ready to see him! So WHY DONT YOU JUST DO THIS WITH GOD ?!
The one who created you.. Who created me.. Who created all the Universe.. The All-Seeing, The All-Hearing, The All-knowing.. The Sustainer ! Think it twice Dear..
He Neglect But Never Let It Be !


asha3ira.blogspot.com said...

Jazakum Allahu khaira for passing by and leaving your kind words, May Allah reward you and forgive all of us.
I wonder how did you learn 4 languages, Ma Shaa Allah

asha3ira.blogspot.com said...

Jazakum Allahu khaira for the reply. It's amazing how you managed to cram four languages by this age. Ma Sha Allah.
My native language is Arabic and second language is English. It is very good but there's still much work. My interests have changed and one reason that may keep me with English is the effort I put into it and the hope that someday I may translate Islamic works into English, of course besides love of languages in general.

I took one course in French but forgot everything. I was fond of Italian but did not have the chance to learn it. It's a good language to learn as far as I'm concerned.

Recently all efforts should come after Sunni Call. That's all!

I noticed you've some interest in translation, maybe someday you assign some time to make English translations of Islamic articles in creed.

Assalamu alaikum