Apologies to my dear brothers and sisters, been cut off blogger for a while and I've been up to my eyeballs in one file research, so I couldn't make it that early. Anyways here is the third part ~~
..Until the time I Met Shadab, an Indian young man living in Singapore. I met him on Youtube, cause I used to post me-singing videos on there. He was only preaching and he came across a heedless girl Subhana’Allah. As he used to tell me that he'd been watching my videos a lot and seen into my eyes the brightness of Imaan. Dont actually know how he had noticed that but he had been so caring and sending me messages frequently saying that music is prohibited in islam and that I have to stop doing this cause it's an affliction (fitna). However, frankly speaking I was like firing back saying that music can not be haram and so on and it's a personal choice, one should not stick his nose into others convictions. But even though, we built together an amazing friendship. We used to recite Qur'aan together, he used to tell me about what islam commitment is like in Singapore and so on, I no doubt didn't know what's islam commitment is but he actually gave me that push to knock up the islamic teachings door. We have been sharing many things up-to-the-minute :)
Alhamdulillah he taught me many things regarding islam even if he's not an arabic native speaker. I must confess that I was ashamed sometimes cause I used to make mistakes while reciting Qur'aan while he never did. Several years between us, but my maturity helped me a lot into making righteous friends all Praise be to Allah. What more can I say about him, yeah, each time he attends scholars gatherings he shares with me what he learnt and each time he goes out for Dawah in outside country he brings out morals and lessons to me. Mashaa'Allah very good Muslim. May Allah grant him Jannah.
Well, there were many reasons that made my faith bolstered. Actually my booster was another friend that I had known for almost 3 years. This one is a morrocan guy living in Malaysia. Not that religious but he has been the first one sending me Qur'aan and he sent me Surah Yusuf. I liked the chapter and the story of our prophet Yusuf peace be upon him big time. It was recited with a soft smooth voice, and especially that the reciter had that amazing cadence which goes up and down according to the events of the story. Subhan'Allah I used to listen to it everyday. Is the chapter I liked most in Qur'aan. Then I had been asking him for more actually. And that is how I started to love Qur'aan.. Kalaamu Rabbi :)
As the companion of Rasulullah Ibnu Mas'üd may Allah be pleased with him, used to kiss the Qur'aan and put it on his eyes and say "Kalaamu Rabbi, Kalaamu Rabbi".. Just brings tears to my eyes each time I remember this. Maa Shaa' Allah :)
However the real booster was a competition that took place in my high school and I've been chosen to do some religious chanties. And there I met one righteous guy, we have been talking up the hijaab. I didn't know him that much but basically the non-virtual contact with him made that scrum soar, Alhamdulillah. I spent like one month in research reading the sayings of the fourth Scholars regarding the islamic veil and then I wouldn't say that I convinced myself but I would say I did make my mind up and surprised everyone and put on hijaab. No one believed me at the beginning and I got teased, the first to do such a thing among the relatives Hamdanlillah. My brother Shadab was very happy when I told him about it, he has been urging me to wear on the veil and he truly wanted me to make it long while ago at that time.
But hey, my hijaab wasn't done at the proper way at first, um would be jeans with some quite long shirts. Anyway, good start ;) I'm cheering myself up!
That was only the first push to flee the so-steeped-in-blind-belief world I was living in.
The push to the Commitment is coming up in few days.. ;)
To Be Continued...
Mashaa'Allah Oumay! Alhamdulillah that He granted you hidaya..
And I do feel that you were that strong and mature Oumay we have always known :) even before your commitment.
Baaraka Allahu fee Shadab, may Allah bless your ukhuwa fillah insha'Allah.
Oh no me di cuenta de tú atículo el otra vez.. cuando comenté el otro x)
Pero oye chica, debes crear aldo de tí, eres una chica de talento y muy dotada masahallah..
Algunas oraciones para mí pleaase, querría tener un amigo como el tuyo.. Que Allah tenga algunas bendiciones de guía sobre mí :)
Date prisa por el push de commitment ;)
Masha Allah! Your friend has a big impact on your life. And beside it would be The Qur'aan as Allah s.w.t says "inna hatha lqur'aana yahdi li llati hiya aqwam"
SubhanAllah indeed this holy book is merely a guide to this Ummah. :) Simply kalaamu Rabbi.
Uhibbuki fillah dear.
(waiting for the next one)
Queridamía Oumay.. Tienes todo el derecho para animat a tí misma ya que nadie está haciendolo =)
Artículo perfecto, así siempre eres másha´Allah.
Como Allah dice en el Corán: 'innaka lá tahdi man ahbabt lákinna llaha yahdi man yashá'
Sigue sigue sigue ;)
Mashaa'Allah. This is the first time I go through your blog..
Subhana'Allah! No sooner that I've known you than I've found out a wise muslimah fearing Allah and craving for more knowledge.
Willing to know your push to commitment as you've taken a brisk trot through that last time.. :)
Zaadaki Allahu imaanan wa tuqa sister.
Jumping from a blog to another, I came across yours.
Macha Allaah sister.
Honestly.. I love reading stories of islaam commitment. And I loved yours so much, then I can not wait to read the next push.
Your english is just outstanding, your words are rather felt than understood. Macha Allaah.
Allaah hafiz.
Ah muchísimas gracias chico x)
Insha´Allah mis oraciones serán acogidas porque cuando un musulmano hace oraciones para su hermano en islam, Allah responde a sus oraciones.
No te preocupes.. Hago mi mejor por eso x)
Ahabbaki llathi ahbabtini feehi UmFahr :)
Yes true Ummi, Shadab taught me many things regarding äqeeda and conducts but still implicitly :)
Maasha'Allah, been like 2years for my commitment and yet still astonished by the metamorphose. Subhana'Allah.
Jaga diri Dear ;)
Oh Gracias infinitamente Amatullah!
Me da mucho illusión tu comentario.. De verdad hermana :)
Y como Allah dice en el Corán también: "Alhamdulillahi llathí hadána lihatha wa má kunna linahtadiya lawlá an hadána llah"
Entonces debemos alabanzar a Allah por darnos esa guía :D
Baaraka Allahu feeka Akhi Salafi :)
Ameen ameen ameen.. Jazaka Allahu khayran.
I'm actually afraid of being far from this. But see.. Hatha min fadli rabbi!
Allah bestowed on his weak slave some of his bounties :) Alhamdulillah!
I didn't go that quick through this last time, just hadn't enough time. Beg you pardon :)
And welcome once again!
Salaamu Allahi älayk Anonymous!
I was rather taken aback by your words also :)
You truly made my day.
Jazaaka Allahu khayran, Insha'Allah last part comin' soon!
Allah hafiz :)
Mad at you dear :(
Where is the last part of your commitment push?
Guess that all your sis and bros are so! You must be in rush as you are back on here :)
Assalamu 'ala mani ttaba'a lhuda :)
I thought I saw your comment down here but see it anylonger anyway..
I did read the article..
As a muslimah, I don't believe or accept anything related to my religion except with an authentic proof. Every single statement mentioned in Islam is withstanded with clear evidence either by a Qur'anic verse or an authentic saying of Muhammad salla llahu aleyhi wa sallam :) So all what the writer of the article stated is against him or her; there is no rigorous thing he or she based his or her article on.
Let's say that those arguments are in fact true.
Our beloved prophet peace & blessings be upon him was born in a milieu where they worshiped idles but without forgetting that there were the religion of Ibrahim aleyhi salam before Islam and it was the same till it was corrupted! So for the name abdullah it is not a striking evidence to withstand the idea that the prophet family were not believers so they could not bear such names.. We already know that they were not..
Omitting the verse that states the name Ahmed on Issa's tongue or attributing it to the article's arguments is totally wrong! The name Muhammad was mentioned in Bible in Hebrew before the coming of Islam and still mentioned to the day even if it is corrupted!
Stating that the name Muhammad was only mentioned in Chapters that has been revealled in Madinah doesn't mean that he had another name before.. it doesn't mean that he changed his name! it is so obvious there is nothing clear in the article that deserves fighting against!
What the little mind they got?!! Why they have to do with his name? Did they discuss the great concepts of Islam and still only the name of the prophet they argue about?
Or they only like to poke on anythg they come across with?
As a muslimah this article is only a rubbish to me, a mish-mash; those people writing such things are only waisting their time.. Our religion is much more stronger than they think and it got massive pillars to stand on! Nothing can distort it!
Whatever, that would be all for today. If you have anything else, pleased to get back at you :)
istill have questions
btw where r u from?
Hmm well I have some confusion over here :)
Is that you Sahar? The one who posted a comment in arabic or somebody else?
You want to know where I'm from.. Well Guess!! :D
What's about you? Where are you from?
i dnt know what r u talkin about :)
no iam not Sahar
mmm i guess u r turkish syrian smthing like that
its ur turn
guess :)
Hm no ur not a good guesser :)
Im an arab girl.. and so you are!!
I guess you are from North Africa.. hein?
I was confused cause I received few comments these days from only anonymous guests..
that's why..
U wudn't be an english? Boy or girl?
u r right
iam from north africa :)
nd am a girl
but where r u from exactly??
id like to know if u dnt mind
Hm well now I guess that we are from the same country Maghreb.. Im from morocco.. this is me Oumay just dinna have much time to log in :)
mmm sorry i really recommend tracking your time diligently :)
i guess i am wasting ur time as we speak by commenting here, but its a good waste this is some sort of help u offer :)
iam from tunisia
nice to meet u oumay
nxt time ill be back with my question so be ready :)
Oh no worries.. It is okay since it is a clean chat :)
Nice to meet u too! By the way what's ur name?
U can contact me via my mail address oumay.alaoui@hotmail.com
Alright till next time.. Already ready! :D
well Oumay iam not really sure that u can bear with things that iam going to tell u about islam
idnt want to ruin ur life
u seem still young and optimistic girl and finally u found the right ocean where to dive as u said.
Well it's Okay.. i've read many things about islam before and they were worse than that article..
No matter what you say.. U would not ruin my somehow sacred life :) Absolutely not with the help of Allah the Almighty :)
Islam is above any rough thg they claim :)
:) okey then
iam arcenciel ive added u in msn
see u online soon :)
I really miss u oumay
Who could have missed me? Who are you? an old friend? haven't we talked for a while?
Can you reveal who you are? :D
iam your friend..though u dnt know me
and if i told u who am i .. i think u wouldnt be so excited :)
i love you so much
as we say in islam (o7iboki f allah)
and i wish u happiness from my heart
may allah bless u :)
i d like to see more posts in your blog
i love you too for the sake of Allah well all my friends but no harm if you ever tell me who you are :)
let me be excited pleaaase :) hehe
inshallah i'll be posting some new posts en los proximos dias hehe :)
and what about that T.C? ^_^
its an abbreviation for (take care)
iam the same one who wrote the previous comments
i know its not a convenient way
i should have told u who am i
but i prefer not do so
you can say that iam a fan of you u r such a clever girl though u are younger than me
i hate to say that lol however
idnt agree with the way u live ur life imean the way u r committed to Islam(yasiro wla to3asiro)..
iam a bit lost religiously but iam sure one day i `ll find the right path :) God willing
Alright is that u 'arcenciel' ?
if it's you..well you never showed up on msnger :D
if it's not the case then u can write to me on my personal address :) just to know who you are.. doesnt matter if i would be that excited when knowin who you are.. u still a friend :)
thanks :) so nice of you :)
it is not really that hard.. addeenu yussr..it's just that you perceive my way a bit tough..i didn't really tighten myself up alhamdulillah my commitment wasn't that fast it took me some time to understand then to practise.. as Allah says: "fa3lam annahu la ilaha illa hu thumma staghfir li danbik"
knowledge comes before worshiping..that unfortunately it is not the case for all muslims nowadays :)islam became sth we heritate over generations..
I'd be so pleased to have some talk with u :)
bi ithnillah you'll find the way :)with a push of will :p
i would be pleased too :)iam in but i cant see u online ..
check if my email is not blocked.(arcenciel)
hi oumaay miss you!
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