قال ربي وأحق القول قول ربي: {ان الله لا يكلف نفسا الا وسعها} البقرة:286
{ Allah burdens not a soul except [with that within] its capacity.. }
(Qur'an 2:286)
How To Achieve a Happy Life
An American psychologist said: Living a happy life is a fine art which entails ten things:
- Do a work that you love. If you cannot do that, then find a hobby that you love and do it in your spare time and reinforce it.
- Take care of your health for it is the spirit of happiness. This means being moderate in eating and drinking, exercising regularly and avoiding bad habits.
- Have a goal in life, for this will give you motivation and energy.
- Take life as it comes, and accept the bitter and the sweet.
- Live in the present, with no regret for the past and no anxiety about tomorrow that has not come yet.
- Think hard about any action or decision, and do not blame anyone else for your decision or its consequences.
- Look at those who are worse off than you.
- Have the habit of smiling and being cheerful, and keep company with optimistic people.
- Strive to make others happy so that you may benefit from the atmosphere of happiness.
- Make the most of occasions of happiness and joy, and regard them as necessary to renew your own happiness.
"Enjoy today and make the most of it;
look for things that will prevent pain
happening before it attacks you."
look for things that will prevent pain
happening before it attacks you."
From " You can be the happiest woman in the world " By Ä'id Al-Qarni
Jazaki llahu khayran for this post. Masha'ALLAH very useful advice! And the book is just amazing. May ALLAH bless sheikh Ä'id Al-Qarni.
Wa iyyaki Ukhti. You can find all his books translated into English at the British Islamic Publishing House.
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