Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here & The Hereafter

Whisper Of Wisdom,

Salaamu Äleykumu Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Abu Hurayra narrated that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said: {world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer}
Sahih Muslim Volume1 Book42 Number7058

Verily, it is true that dunya is a prison-house for Believers for what they see as fitan, for what they bear as wills.. desires and for what they struggle with as Shaytân Whispers!

Thus Allah says in Sûrah Al-Änkabût: {Alif. Lâm. Mîm. (1) Ahasiba 'nâsu ayyutrakû ayyaqûlû âmanna wa hum lâ yuftanûn (2) Wa laqad fattannâ llathîna min qablihim falya'älamanna llahu llathîna sadaqû walya'älamanna lkâthibîn (3) }

Here is an english translation for these verses: {Alif. Lâm. Mîm. (1) Do Men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with afflicions? (2) Lo! We tested those who were before them. Thus Allah knows those who are sincere and knows those who feign. (3)}

As Shadab -my friend- mentioned in the "Al-Insânu Ashraful Makhluqat" article, that we were created and we've been granted with so many blessings, then Allah would test us in Dunya with what we've been given. Therefore, believing in Allah would certainly not free us from this test, cause with affliction that Allah knows -He is the All-Knowing- the righteous Believers and the liars, the hypocrits ones.

But regarding the Disbelievers, they are not tested till they accept the truth which Islam came up with, though they are in an upseting rush, a troubleous life, in different shapes of afflictions. Allah says in Sûrah Taha: {Wa man a'ärada än thikrî fa inna lahû ma'ïchatan dankâ wa nahshuruhu yawma lqiyâmati a'ämâ (124)}

Which means in English: {But he who turnes away from remembrance of Me, his life will be narrow, and I shall bring him blind to the assembly on the Day of Resurection. (124)}

They would never recognize peace coming within themselves till the day they kiss away their disbelief. This verse was not revelled only on disbelievers but also on believers who let down remembering Allah, go against the straight path with their sinful deeds and who act likely as disbelievers.

Concerning the hadeeth I mentioned below, it has been narrated that Al Hafizu Bnu Hijr went out in a great procession elegantly riding a mule when a Jewish attacked him, wearing a scruffy skimpy little dress. He stopped the mule and said to the scholar: ' O you who pretend that your prophet said "The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer"..Which prison you are into and which paradise I am in? '

So Al Hafizu Bnu Hijr said: ' True.. In your sadness and misery you are in Paradise for what is been prepared for you, in the hereafter, as cruel and everlasting punishment.. While me, in spite of my welfare over here, this is to be seen as a prison, for what is waiting for me in Paradise '

* The picture upside is the sûrah Taha verse in Arabic.


AbuBakr said...

Masha'ALLAH Oumay. You always come up with very good articles and morals.
Keep up the good work Dear Sister.
ALLah Hafiz.

UmFahr said...

Baaraka Allahu feeki sister Oumay.
So moving as article.
We'd like to know about your background if you don't mind. Cause it seems and sounds like you're easy-going and at the same time so religious and pious.
What's about it? xD
Jazaki Allahu once again.

Oumay said...

Sorry for getting back at both of you that late, been a little bit hectic these days!
Wa jazakuma :)
Well UmFahr, a "bon mot" clever remark you made! But must confess that it's very hard to talk about one's self.. But I'll try to!
Basically, the article would be in piece so soon, try to make it tonight though :) Insha'ALLAH!

Unknown said...

Yes Mashallah!
Good article sis! You never stop with your da'wa.. Even in your holidays.. your trip!
Hmm even at home :) That's how she is UmFahr.. 'U seem a very close friend' sharing the same view about chatting!
Waffaqaki llah vacamia :D!

Unknown said...

Oh I forgot to tell you UmFahr, that she's writing about her turning point nowadays. That gonna cost her much :)
J'ai hâte! Yallah get your stuff Oumay!

Maha said...

Assalam U Alaikum...
sister i really need ur help... some of my american (non-muslim) friends have asked me about our belief about resurrection, from before we came into this world, till the day we will be brought back on the Day of Judgement.... i knw about this topic but i donot knw how i should explain it to them the right way... please help me sister... tc