Tuesday, October 20, 2009

La Segunda Parte: B-Being Life

Salaamu Äleykumu Warahmatullah,

Well some of you would certainly say that I'm not really sure about what I'mma write right now cause it's something related to the past so I can hardly remember what occured to let me get into this engagement.
No, no, no.. Ask every heedless after his guidance and he would just dive deep into the most banal details to tell you about his story. Feel like I'm being in a hostile world while writing this. Oh yea and I remeber the saying of our Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon; " Islam started stangely and it will go back to be strange, so good tidings for the strangers" Sahih MUSLIM, Book 001 Number 0270 What this hadeeth has to do here? -I'd ask myself- Perhaps cause I feel really strange after my commitment. Yeah true!

Well, I used to be that wise hard-working girl, loved by all the teachers.Very respectful in terms of conduct. Teachers used to tell me that I don't really enjoy my childhood as other kids or teenagers do. Therefore, my classmates used to call me Mummy and rush to me each time they got into troubles. However my thoughts were as stiff as a ramrod, my way of dressing wasn't proper regarding the islamic teachings. I used to wear tight jeans, short-short shirts (Um.. My tummy would be showing sometimes o_O), up to knees skirts.. Well I would be kind of an anorak going through all sorts of clothes I used to wear. Briefly saying -shape's showing- clothes. Oh yes, I used to go to the beach, swimming pools and so on..

You'd ask me why they dare wearing a swiming costume on the beach and cover up in other places. Aren't beaches, swimming pools public places as well?

Listen, this is something that most of you don't know about the heedless girls; to their minds swimming pools, beaches or whatever are places where people can take their clothes off and put on beachwears..

Well happened to me as well, believe it or not, this is the case of the all these girls. It's all about education, they have been raised this way, I have been raised in the same way. Never heard from my parents "It's not okay in Islam to wear kinda clothes" or well without mentioning religious issues, they would at least say "You shouldn't wear these clothes they are too showing".. The sense of open-mindedness takes a different aspect for them..

You'd find it so contradictory if I tell you that they were teasing me for each cloth I used to wear in elsewhere than beach or swimming pool; this is showing.. this is tight.. this is short.. they used to do it even at home :S ! And it's okay out on the beach where everybody can see you.. ODD ain't it?!

I was a carefree girl, diving into the world of music. Music was my life, I used to play piano and guitar. I used to spend hours learning scores and tabs. Until the time I ...

To Be Continued...


Oldy friend said...

You are doing good Oumay! I fancy your way of writing.. Does it mean that you were already engaged in Islam Commitment when we had met?! Good guess Rocío ;) Im Mahmoud..
Ojála Dios te dé más fé :)

AbuBakr said...

Assalamu aleïkum Oumay..
Well I agree with your old friend, and I do fancy your way of writing too.. I'd say like a native speaker, Im sure your way of speakin would be that good too Mashaa'Allah :)
Still waitin for that metamorphose!

Amatullah said...

My honey bunch ;)
I've read the second part a while ago and just attempt to comment it! Yes I confess I was a pretty so like you but I was too stubborn.. Glory be to Allah who guided us yeah? :)
Sigue sigue..

Oumay said...

Oh yes Mahmoud! Got you! See Im a good guesser! Could never forget your writing style :)

Hm yes, I was already into islam commitment at that time, didn't you notice my pretty long veil? Anyways, true that I wasnt fully engaged, that just was the start though :)
Oh Rocío in María´s class..
Sweaar acabo de ver a ella el sabádo pasado en Maarif :D
Te acuerdes de Rasiiiiid :D Tenía una voz muy aguda :)
Pues Ojála Dios dejéte sobre el buen camino :)

Oumay said...

Salámu Allahi alayka Abubar!
Jazaka Allahu kayran I appreciate it so much!
I must be so grateful to Dad after Allah´s bestowing on me.. Well he was the one who used to tell me that only an illiterate person who speaks two languages.. And that was a big push to me to learn more languages and have a crash on´em alhamdulillah :)

Oumay said...

Síí lo siento no he olvidado el resto es que no tengo más gana de escribir.. Estoy de psychología y mytología esos días :)
Pero será muy pronto Insha´Allah!

Yes true Amatullah, something that most people if not all misled in explaining it!
Allah´s guidance doesn´t mean becoming pious and so on but as ALLAH s.w.t says in Surah Al-balad if I may not be wrong "Wa hadaynahu ´najdayn"!
Here is the best explicit shape of the word guidance..
Guidance means seeing both ways good and bad, then using the reason Allah granted you to choose the right way! This is guidance :)
Fi Amani ALLAH sister and brother AbuBakr :)

Unknown said...

Assalamu Alaikoum sweet sister :)

i'm really proud of you.. for those who don't know me (especially your friends), i'm her eldest sister Salma..
To be honest with you sisters and brothers, Oumay has all the time suprised me and no doubt you too :)

She was always a gifted child, who has many hobbies and many talents to show..Long while, i used to spend my free-time may be playing or watching tv, while she used to draw, make some graffities, or play guitar.. and she has everytime something new to show, writing novels, making da'wa on the net..

This time, i won't comment what you wrote sista,will leave it for next time,i just wanted to introduce myself, and to tell everybody how much i love you ..

Khituu Salma :) (Khituu is your sister)

UmFahr said...

Assalamu alaykum dear Oumay,
Just read your post few days ago. Maa Shaa Allah, outstanding as usual. But we are still waiting for the turning point ;) Make haste x)
Nice to meet you Salma.
We do love your sister so much for the sake of Allah. We've been sharing so much islamic knowledge alhamdulillah x)

Oumay said...

Aleykumu salaamu Ummi :)
Sorry for my late reply..
Best regards from my sister to you.
Long time no see dear.
Been missing you.

Anonymous said...

انا متابعة لمدونتك من فترة... و كنت أعرف انه سيأتي يوم و اعلق عليها
أتعلمين تملكين اسلوبا رائعا في جذب الانتباه اعجبني طرحك كثيرا فـ عفويتك به مذهله جدااا أسال الله ان يوفقك ويسعد قلبك دائما
لك مني كل التحية والتقدير

Oumay said...

Jazaki ALLAHU khayran ala ta'aleeqik =) Ahbabtuhu kateeran =)
May ALLAH reward you jannah =) U made my day I was a bit upset hehe =)
Are we supposed to know each other?
Fi amanillah

Anonymous said...

صديقتي .....واختي في الله
عدت لكي بهذا الاهداء واتمنى ان يروقك
املك مدونتي الخاصة وهي في طور الانشاء
سأعـود لمدونتك… و جديدها… لاحقا بحول الله…
وفقكي الله وسدد على درب الخير خطاك
اختك سحر

Oumay said...

Pleased to know you Sahar :)
Allahumma ameen wa iyyaka ukhti :)
So you have a blog also :)
I would appreciate if you could give it to me once you're done.. or anything to join you and get to know you better sister :)
Jazakillahu khayran for the video :)