Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One and Only One Word Can Describe it AMAZING!

Salaamu äleykumu warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu,

Actually this is a story that I heard yesterday, while listenin to a sheikh from syria! I don't recall his name but he's very famous. His lectures are mostly regarding Äqeeda. I loved it so much and I wanted to share it with my dear brothers and sisters.

He narrated a story of a woman, a good worshiper in the time of rasulullah salla llahu älayhi wa sallam.
So one day, this woman woke up at night and performed wudu' (ablutions), then prayed qiyam layl (night prayer). After that, she began making du'a.

She said "O Allah I'm asking you with your love to me that you forgive me and have mercy on me and grant me from your bounties".
But while she was making du'a a man passed by her house and accidently heard what she was saying. He was really dumbfounded.

So when she was done, he told her "wayhaki ya mra'a" which means "Oh you lady, shame on you" he carried on saying "this is a non-respectful way to supplicate Allah! You should instead say O Allah I'm asking you by my love to you not your love to me, to forgive me and have mercy on me and grant me from your bounties".

You know what she replied..?

She told him "if He -the Almighty- didn't love me He would not have waken me up at this hour, if He didn't love me He would not have let me stand by His hands, if He didn't love me He would not have let me speak these words"

Such a beautiful story!

Maashaa'Allah, whispering words of wisdom. The Ummah is missing such people nowadays.
O Allah do not astray our hearts after you have guided them and grant us from your mercy, for You the Grantor of All Bounties. Ameen.

Friday, November 27, 2009

La Tercera Parte: The So-Turnin' Point

Salaamu äleykumu warahmatullahi,

Apologies to my dear brothers and sisters, been cut off blogger for a while and I've been up to my eyeballs in one file research, so I couldn't make it that early. Anyways here is the third part ~~

..Until the time I Met Shadab, an Indian young man living in Singapore. I met him on Youtube, cause I used to post me-singing videos on there. He was only preaching and he came across a heedless girl Subhana’Allah. As he used to tell me that he'd been watching my videos a lot and seen into my eyes the brightness of Imaan. Dont actually know how he had noticed that but he had been so caring and sending me messages frequently saying that music is prohibited in islam and that I have to stop doing this cause it's an affliction (fitna). However, frankly speaking I was like firing back saying that music can not be haram and so on and it's a personal choice, one should not stick his nose into others convictions. But even though, we built together an amazing friendship. We used to recite Qur'aan together, he used to tell me about what islam commitment is like in Singapore and so on, I no doubt didn't know what's islam commitment is but he actually gave me that push to knock up the islamic teachings door. We have been sharing many things up-to-the-minute :)

Alhamdulillah he taught me many things regarding islam even if he's not an arabic native speaker. I must confess that I was ashamed sometimes cause I used to make mistakes while reciting Qur'aan while he never did. Several years between us, but my maturity helped me a lot into making righteous friends all Praise be to Allah. What more can I say about him, yeah, each time he attends scholars gatherings he shares with me what he learnt and each time he goes out for Dawah in outside country he brings out morals and lessons to me. Mashaa'Allah very good Muslim. May Allah grant him Jannah.

Well, there were many reasons that made my faith bolstered. Actually my booster was another friend that I had known for almost 3 years. This one is a morrocan guy living in Malaysia. Not that religious but he has been the first one sending me Qur'aan and he sent me Surah Yusuf. I liked the chapter and the story of our prophet Yusuf peace be upon him big time. It was recited with a soft smooth voice, and especially that the reciter had that amazing cadence which goes up and down according to the events of the story. Subhan'Allah I used to listen to it everyday. Is the chapter I liked most in Qur'aan. Then I had been asking him for more actually. And that is how I started to love Qur'aan.. Kalaamu Rabbi :)

As the companion of Rasulullah Ibnu Mas'üd may Allah be pleased with him, used to kiss the Qur'aan and put it on his eyes and say "Kalaamu Rabbi, Kalaamu Rabbi".. Just brings tears to my eyes each time I remember this. Maa Shaa' Allah :)

However the real booster was a competition that took place in my high school and I've been chosen to do some religious chanties. And there I met one righteous guy, we have been talking up the hijaab. I didn't know him that much but basically the non-virtual contact with him made that scrum soar, Alhamdulillah. I spent like one month in research reading the sayings of the fourth Scholars regarding the islamic veil and then I wouldn't say that I convinced myself but I would say I did make my mind up and surprised everyone and put on hijaab. No one believed me at the beginning and I got teased, the first to do such a thing among the relatives Hamdanlillah. My brother Shadab was very happy when I told him about it, he has been urging me to wear on the veil and he truly wanted me to make it long while ago at that time.

But hey, my hijaab wasn't done at the proper way at first, um would be jeans with some quite long shirts. Anyway, good start ;) I'm cheering myself up!

That was only the first push to flee the so-steeped-in-blind-belief world I was living in.
The push to the Commitment is coming up in few days.. ;)

To Be Continued...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bayramin Mubarek Olsun

May Every Blossom In The Garden Of Life..
Brighten Your Eid With Joy..
And Fill Your Days With The Sweet..
Fragrance Of Happiness.. :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Drink To The Prophet

Salâmu Allahi Äleykum

Just read this poem written by Muhammad Abu-Talib may his soul rest in peace, and I was fascinated by its honest-to-goodness! It is just so real and so true that I was rather taken aback by its beauty, honestly!

I have many things in common with this artist. Same native city, same languages we speak, same things we make, same ironical tones in what we write.. Suhbanal Malik! :)

Felt really blissful finding one with whom I share many goodies but he already quit this world to be in the barzakh one :)
Here the poem reads;

On the Prophet’s image I saw them stomp,
Laughing, brawling , mocking, in all the pomp.

“Ramadan belongs to no modern world
“In which the rocket replaced the sword.”

Cocktail parties shook our festive customs;
Alien habits invaded thoughts and homes.

“Whisky alone- no ice,” the Muslim ordered.
The Christian neighbour looked and pondered:

“An Oulmes for me , doctor’s orders,
“The rest gives nothing but stomach ulcers.”

Round and round …popcorns , peanuts and chips…
Till heathen words conquered tongues and lips.

“Gin-tonic!” Another fasting believer.
“Coca-cola!” Another rotten kafer.

“Dinner’s served !” Announced hostess to her guests.
“Wine for grown-ups, milk for children and pets.”

“More rosé for me!” _ a women Muslim.
“More white wine for me !” begged another Muslim.

“Pure water for me!” insisted one pagan.
“More natural juice !” requested another Christian.

“Tell me …” started the Muslim’s neighbour .
“I know what you’d like to know,” interrupted with fervour

The fasting-drinking-pork-eating Muslim ,
“ ‘Why drink in fasting time while a Muslim?’”

“’ Cause I do as I please !’ Cause all is false.
“Religion’s for the old and the poor folks.

“ Practice hypocrisy when faith’s inside?
“ Were the Prophet here he’d surely not mind!”

The listener smiled, lifted his glass to toast
As if he’d won a game of which to boast:

“ Here’s to you and your Prophet’s tolerance!”
“ Here's to you and my selfish ignorance!”

Muhammad Abu-Talib ( 1930 _ 2000)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

La Segunda Parte: B-Being Life

Salaamu Äleykumu Warahmatullah,

Well some of you would certainly say that I'm not really sure about what I'mma write right now cause it's something related to the past so I can hardly remember what occured to let me get into this engagement.
No, no, no.. Ask every heedless after his guidance and he would just dive deep into the most banal details to tell you about his story. Feel like I'm being in a hostile world while writing this. Oh yea and I remeber the saying of our Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon; " Islam started stangely and it will go back to be strange, so good tidings for the strangers" Sahih MUSLIM, Book 001 Number 0270 What this hadeeth has to do here? -I'd ask myself- Perhaps cause I feel really strange after my commitment. Yeah true!

Well, I used to be that wise hard-working girl, loved by all the teachers.Very respectful in terms of conduct. Teachers used to tell me that I don't really enjoy my childhood as other kids or teenagers do. Therefore, my classmates used to call me Mummy and rush to me each time they got into troubles. However my thoughts were as stiff as a ramrod, my way of dressing wasn't proper regarding the islamic teachings. I used to wear tight jeans, short-short shirts (Um.. My tummy would be showing sometimes o_O), up to knees skirts.. Well I would be kind of an anorak going through all sorts of clothes I used to wear. Briefly saying -shape's showing- clothes. Oh yes, I used to go to the beach, swimming pools and so on..

You'd ask me why they dare wearing a swiming costume on the beach and cover up in other places. Aren't beaches, swimming pools public places as well?

Listen, this is something that most of you don't know about the heedless girls; to their minds swimming pools, beaches or whatever are places where people can take their clothes off and put on beachwears..

Well happened to me as well, believe it or not, this is the case of the all these girls. It's all about education, they have been raised this way, I have been raised in the same way. Never heard from my parents "It's not okay in Islam to wear kinda clothes" or well without mentioning religious issues, they would at least say "You shouldn't wear these clothes they are too showing".. The sense of open-mindedness takes a different aspect for them..

You'd find it so contradictory if I tell you that they were teasing me for each cloth I used to wear in elsewhere than beach or swimming pool; this is showing.. this is tight.. this is short.. they used to do it even at home :S ! And it's okay out on the beach where everybody can see you.. ODD ain't it?!

I was a carefree girl, diving into the world of music. Music was my life, I used to play piano and guitar. I used to spend hours learning scores and tabs. Until the time I ...

To Be Continued...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

La Primera Parte: Flash-back

Salaamu Äleykumu Warahmatullah,
Glory be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon his prophet Muhammad,

Many of my friends are, those who asked me about my turning point. And loads are those who asked me to write about it. I must confess that I sort of neglected it. But when it comes to my dearest sister UmFahr request, I would not react thus. Actually it brings tears to my eyes each time I remember this holy engagement -I would call it- holding back myself this time, I would write it down with Allah's help.

My best friends, those who have known me for more than 5 years would call it a Metamorphose. Some of you don't know how old I am; well I am 18. Then it has been 2 years since I engaged myself into Islam Commitment. The beginning was pretty hard. But let's jet a flash back on my life how was it like before.

As any other girl, I had chums. Carefree chums as I used to be. I don't blame them for my disguidance. No, I had been just like them before I met them. Alhamdulillah, at that time I never cut off praying. But which praying? I would say working out not performing prayer. Going up, going down, kneeling, bending.. La ilaaha illa Llah! For sure that my way of praying was wrongly wrong. But the best thing -is meant to be the worst- is that I was making some slips in the easiest sûrah in Qur'aan. I would just curl up and die rather than giving more details about my old times prayers. Never done my prayers on time, never got up for Al-fajr prayer. Praying was like a burden to me.

Don't even ask! I can guess what you thinking about right now.. Oh yes I was a believer, I knew about the two shahada. I was saying I bear witness that there's no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Saying it but heedless of its deepest meaning. ~_~''

I don't blame my parents for not teaching me about my deen. Cause they have been raised in a non-religious environment as well. So they are not meant to carry the can! Islam became over the decades a tradition for their parents, their ancestors after all. Without mentioning fasting, I was just doing the ritual.

Ramadan for me and my relatives had been a month of special and delicious dishes but nothing else. I don't recall if I ever read Qur'aan in Ramadan. And if I did, that would be hardly ever. But never prayed taraweeh or salatul qiyam before, absolutely not. Was the case for the other members of my family as well.
They used to wake up before Al-fajr prayer to eat (suhur) but not to pray and some still. Yes some still wake up to eat and then go back to sleep without praying. Subhana'ALLAH. I didn't use to wake up just not to break my sleeping. ''_''

Well, going back to catch some z's then waking up late in the morning, spending the whole day in preparing those dishes, watching ridiculous soap operas and the absurd cooking tv shows. That's how I used to spend the holy month of Ramadan.
Oh yeah, I forgot to talk about the eid's prayer. There was nothing called eid prayer at home. No body used to go. The eid's day was again special but with what then? Guess.. A special dish as ever. =_='

Would die of shame telling you about my ignoble deeds!

*Muy pronto que pensaba está hecha la primera parte, aúnque sea poco. Dejenme un ratito más de tiempo y vais a ver (:

Whisper Of Frustration

Going through some hassles these times cause of the purest thing, the blessing Allah granted me and that I've been deprived of, I would like to share with you this nasheed called The Veil by the Soft Voice Dawud Ali Warnsby.

Actually, I wanted to apologize to some brothers and sisters who asked me to write about my Islam Commitment; I could not make it early and I didn't want to get cracking with it. However, I'll be posting the first part sooner insha'ALLAH.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Here & The Hereafter

Whisper Of Wisdom,

Salaamu Äleykumu Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh,

Abu Hurayra narrated that the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him said: {world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer}
Sahih Muslim Volume1 Book42 Number7058

Verily, it is true that dunya is a prison-house for Believers for what they see as fitan, for what they bear as wills.. desires and for what they struggle with as Shaytân Whispers!

Thus Allah says in Sûrah Al-Änkabût: {Alif. Lâm. Mîm. (1) Ahasiba 'nâsu ayyutrakû ayyaqûlû âmanna wa hum lâ yuftanûn (2) Wa laqad fattannâ llathîna min qablihim falya'älamanna llahu llathîna sadaqû walya'älamanna lkâthibîn (3) }

Here is an english translation for these verses: {Alif. Lâm. Mîm. (1) Do Men imagine that they will be left (at ease) because they say, We believe, and will not be tested with afflicions? (2) Lo! We tested those who were before them. Thus Allah knows those who are sincere and knows those who feign. (3)}

As Shadab -my friend- mentioned in the "Al-Insânu Ashraful Makhluqat" article, that we were created and we've been granted with so many blessings, then Allah would test us in Dunya with what we've been given. Therefore, believing in Allah would certainly not free us from this test, cause with affliction that Allah knows -He is the All-Knowing- the righteous Believers and the liars, the hypocrits ones.

But regarding the Disbelievers, they are not tested till they accept the truth which Islam came up with, though they are in an upseting rush, a troubleous life, in different shapes of afflictions. Allah says in Sûrah Taha: {Wa man a'ärada än thikrî fa inna lahû ma'ïchatan dankâ wa nahshuruhu yawma lqiyâmati a'ämâ (124)}

Which means in English: {But he who turnes away from remembrance of Me, his life will be narrow, and I shall bring him blind to the assembly on the Day of Resurection. (124)}

They would never recognize peace coming within themselves till the day they kiss away their disbelief. This verse was not revelled only on disbelievers but also on believers who let down remembering Allah, go against the straight path with their sinful deeds and who act likely as disbelievers.

Concerning the hadeeth I mentioned below, it has been narrated that Al Hafizu Bnu Hijr went out in a great procession elegantly riding a mule when a Jewish attacked him, wearing a scruffy skimpy little dress. He stopped the mule and said to the scholar: ' O you who pretend that your prophet said "The world is a prison-house for a believer and Paradise for a non-believer"..Which prison you are into and which paradise I am in? '

So Al Hafizu Bnu Hijr said: ' True.. In your sadness and misery you are in Paradise for what is been prepared for you, in the hereafter, as cruel and everlasting punishment.. While me, in spite of my welfare over here, this is to be seen as a prison, for what is waiting for me in Paradise '

* The picture upside is the sûrah Taha verse in Arabic.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Al-Insânu ashraful makhlooqat.. Why?

Salâmu Aleykumu Warahmatullah

Actually I've had a very interesting conversation lately with a Indian friend of mine (Shadab). He was the one scrutinizing the point. All about Äqeeda in Islam. He started by asking me one question, one and only one tough question.

Shadab: Why allah said that human being are "ashraful makhluqat" though they are far from worshiping Allah as the malâ'ika (angels) do? Please let me know about your opinion.

My first reply was very spontaneous, I went like;

Me: May be cause Allah gave him that responsibility of al-istikhlafu in the earth.
Then I quickly had one thought which was bursting my mind over and over again and I said;

Me: You know that verse in Surah Al-Israâ " Wa laqad karramna banî Âdama", I once heard its explanation by a well-known Scholar. He said that when Allah created animals, he blessed them with desire but no reasoning (âql). And when He subhanahu wa taâla created Malâ'ika (Angels), he blessed them with reasoning but no desire. Whereas creating the human being, He bestowed him with reasoning and desire. So we have been honored by these two blessings. I think that would be a good answer, ain't it?

Shadab: Okay, good enough but the description is still not complete.
One makhlooq is Malâ'ika; Allah subhanahu kept no willing power in this makhlooq. They have been charged for praise and prayers. With their willing, they can't do any good or bad.
Second one is animals, no questions and answers for them in the hearafter (Âkhira). they don't have power to sense Jannah and Jahannam (heaven and hell), nor Shariä, nor even ahkâm (laws) for them. they are free.

So you see, first makhlooq is 100% tightened with rules and regulations by Allah, but nothing for the second makhlooq. And between them, Allah created a third makhlooq called Al-Insân.

Before the beginning of dunya, Allah called upon all the souls of humans in Älam Al-arwah (World of souls) and asked them " Tell, who is your Lord?". You and me and all the humans answered in one voice "RabbiAllah" My Lord is Allah. Then Allah said, I'm sending all of you in dunya, where there will be an exam for you, you will be given a time and a life. In this life, you will not see Me nor my Malâ'ika. You will be given will to do good and bad and also a mind to decide either good or bad. I want that all of you be gone through this exam and return to Me so I could reward you. There will be two enemies for you to misguide you from the straight path. One is your own nafss (will), the other one is Shaytân (devil). And there will be guidance for you from time to time; these are my books and my messengers.

Now you can see this third makhlooq has been kept in a big exam. So now Al-insân has to live in this world, he/she has to fill up all the duties of everyone according to Ahkâm (laws) and Shariä. And by doing all of these dealings, he should keep his aim concentrated, should not be diverted, that he/she breaks any of Allah' Shariä or Ahkâm. That's why Allah calls -those who remembers him in dunya and follow his messengers- Ashraful makhlooqat.
So by just doing ïbâdat and trying to save ourself from the dunya is not according to Shariä of Rasulullah. We have to fill up each and every bodies duties in this world according to Rasulullah Aleyhi salâtu wa salâmu.

Back to me, Masha'Allah, truly he needs a du'a for this awesome explanation!
May Allah give me and you well all muslims all stength to walk on the right path and be among his righteous ïbâd. May Allah have mercy on us and grant us the pardon of all our sins and bless us with Jannatul Fridauss. Ameen, ameen, ameen.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Snake & Oak Over The Hemlock

Brand New.. Frustration!

A Pretty Long Snake Would Be
The Head I am, The Tail You'd Be
It's Body Is Far Big From The Sea

But One Of Us Must Be Called a Carefree!

Yes, She Is Supposed To Be a Deacon
With Every Word She flashed on,
Muslim 'N Bukhari Would Cry Shame away!
She, Scolding Me, A Spruce Of Norway*
An Aspen He, Cheering Her All The Way..

Patience, Patience, Like a Hemlock;
But Oh! Speading, Tearing Along Like a White Oak!

Deprivin' Me From The Best Thing Ever In My Life
Then Askin' Me Why All This Misery 'n Strife!

* Spruce of Norway is an evergreen tree with needle-like leaves and very long hard fruits
, which would be a metaphore for her cruelty!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Locuras Insinificantes

Salámu Aleykumu Warahmatulláh,

Pues algo de que estoy hablando todo el tiempo con mi familia.. Mis compañeros.. En mis exposiciones, es un tema muy interesante. Es algo que vimos todos los días en mi sociedad o cualquier sociedad. Algo que vivimos con nuestros abuelos y especialmente con la gente mayor.

Entonces, Dogma.. Leyenda.. Superstición, así se forman las culturas. Pues para mí, una superstición es una creencia falsa que nos hacemos cuando tenemos miedo de una cosa mala que puede ocurrir en el futuro. ¡Hay muchos ejemplos de supersticiones! El viernes 13.. Romper un aspejo.. Romper su tacón para las mujeres.

En Algeciras, la gente pone sobre su entrada una herradura para mantener al diablo fuera de la casa. Hay esa superstición en México también, pero no es algo originario de México, es algo que los españoles llevaron a México.. ¡Porque no había caballos en México! Y allí la gente tiene miedo de aprender ahora porque cuando la religión católica llegó a México prohibó que se aprenda algo fuera la religión.. Y daban castigos a los estudiantes y mataron a mucha gente.. ¡Increíble! La gente supersticiosa está al rodando del mundo.. Por ejemplo en chine, hay una superstición que dice que cuando une persona quiere salir y estornuda antés, debe esperar algunos momentos y irse después, es que es de mala suerte - No tiene ningún sentido- El mundo es raro a veces, muchas locuras. xD

Además, hay una relación muy fuerte entre las supersticiones y las religiones que vienen del cielo, en las tres - Judaísmo, Cristianismo y Islam- es Díos el que sabe todo, lo que va ocurrir en el futuro. Entonces cuando creímos en estas supersticiones es como sabemos o previmos lo que va pasar y eso es contra cualquier religión. Y aúnque este truce parece insinificanto y sin sentido.. Podría ser afectado al manera adoremos al verdadero Díos y cambiar el modo de nuestra vida.

Y desgraciadamente muchos musulmanes no se dan cuenta de ese asunto, eso es tomado como un pequeño shirk que se aposa al punto de que hay un único Díos, quien ha creado estos cielos.. Esta tierra.. Este universo.. Animales.. Humanos.. Plantas.. Los seres, pues -TODO- ¡Subhan´ALLAH!

Imam Al-Musannif ha dicho : 'Díos sabe lo que estuvo y lo que estará y lo que no estaba si estaría como estará'

Monday, July 6, 2009

Words Of Wisdom

قال ربي وأحق القول قول ربي: {ان الله لا يكلف نفسا الا وسعها} البقرة:286

{ Allah burdens not a soul except [with that within] its capacity..

(Qur'an 2:286)

How To Achieve a Happy Life

An American psychologist said: Living a happy life is a fine art which entails ten things:
  1. Do a work that you love. If you cannot do that, then find a hobby that you love and do it in your spare time and reinforce it.
  2. Take care of your health for it is the spirit of happiness. This means being moderate in eating and drinking, exercising regularly and avoiding bad habits.
  3. Have a goal in life, for this will give you motivation and energy.
  4. Take life as it comes, and accept the bitter and the sweet.
  5. Live in the present, with no regret for the past and no anxiety about tomorrow that has not come yet.
  6. Think hard about any action or decision, and do not blame anyone else for your decision or its consequences.
  7. Look at those who are worse off than you.
  8. Have the habit of smiling and being cheerful, and keep company with optimistic people.
  9. Strive to make others happy so that you may benefit from the atmosphere of happiness.
  10. Make the most of occasions of happiness and joy, and regard them as necessary to renew your own happiness.

"Enjoy today and make the most of it;
look for things that will prevent pain
happening before it attacks you."

From " You can be the happiest woman in the world " By Ä'id Al-Qarni

Sunday, July 5, 2009

El Non-Sentido

Las alabanzas a Allah, el Señor de los mundos, y que las bendiciones y la paz desciendan sobre su profeta Muhammad y su familia y sus compañeros. Pues acabo de encontrar algo raro que escribe hace mucho tiempo y que me da mucha risa. Hmm me parece que esta introdución no va con la poesía, pero vamonos, 'empezar con el nombre de Allah es el camino de salavación' por una vez algo fuera de lo normal! Y asi se lee el Whisper De Wackiness...

Mientras que estuve dentro, hubo muchos conflictos,
Conflictos duros, sin paz, sin nada,
Pues no es de la autopia
No es de su Fantasia
Es algo fuera de lo normal
Oh que sí hace tan mal
Y si supiera la tenez
Y que era en su busquez
Se estropelló
Se murio
No se quedó por mucho
Y que me queda hasta las narices
Del mar a los nortes

Sí.. Sí.. Ya lo sé.. No tiene ningún sentido esto.. Pero si supieras mi historía, entonces podrías entenderlo. Todo Habla de una persona que me hizo tan mal y está siempre haciendolo, quizá ella no lo vee así, pero es eso. Anyway me hace illusión cuando leo esta poesía..

Monday, June 29, 2009

An Uphill Battle

How The World Can Be Scuzzy
How Its People Can Be Scambag
Unbelievable How It Could Be
Something Is To Be Brought Back

Faded Away Are Values
Holdings Were To Be Vanished
Following What Is Upon Tunes
Running Towards Rubbish

Swiveling Around False Pretences
A Way To Keep It All 'Yusser' *
A Misconception Been Haunting One's Mind
Yelling Out, Yelp, As a Führer..

With A Dust-up Against Allah Scriptures..
Insane Does It Seem To Be.. Truly It Does!
And There A Mishmash It Sounds To Be!

An Uphill Battle Been Called
Topsy-turvy, How Far Can He Go?
With Me Toppling Over And Him As A Floe!

* Yusser means easiness. But the main idea is a misconception about Islam, thinking that following all what has been revelled in Qur'aan and Sunna is Extremism, a dollop of it would be Yusser though. And this is a misjudge.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Day Of Resurrection's Video

Here is a beautiful nasheed about the Day of Resurection article translated into English. Well is not really a nasheed, it could be seen as a moral of life and death, a moral for evey Muslim and Muslimah. Don't actually know the chantey or whom chants it. But hey Listen to it CAREFULLY!!
"Yawma lâ yanfa'ü mâlun wa lâ banuna illa man ata llaha bi qalbin saleem"

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Regarding the innovations, it has been narrated that Ibnu al Mussayyîb
One of the greatest followers, saw a man who was performing prayer after Al fajr..
And he used to bend and prostrate a lot... So that great man advised him not to do it…
The other said “Ayuäthibuni llahu äla salah?” “Would Allah punish me for prayer?”
The wise man said “la yuäthibuka äla khilâfi Sunna” which means…
Allah would punish you for disobeying the saying Of Prophet Muhammad
Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him…
As another event happened with Imam Malik
One man came to him and asked him “min ayna uhrim?”…
The imam said “ahrim min Thy al hulayfa”, then… The man said
I want to do ihram from the mosque, from the Tomb Of Muhammad…
Peace Be Upon Him”, Malik said “La tafäl… You shall not do it, I’m afraid
That you get into fitna”, “Inni akhsha älayka lfitna!”
Cause this wasn’t the Sunna of Our Prophet
Älayhi salaatu wa salaam
Then man said “wa ayyu fitnatin fi hatha innama sa azidu amyalan?”
The imam replied into words of wisdom and one verse from Qur’aan,
Wa kayfa laka allâ tuftan wa qad waqaäta äla fadilatin lam yaqaä
Älayha nabiyû Salla llahu älayhi wa sallam; and how can't you be into a ftina
And you think that you stepped into a goody that Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad
Himself Didn't do before peace be upon him, moreover I heard Allah said:
Falya’hthari llatheena yukhâlifuna än amrihi an tusibahum fitna aw yusîbahum
Äthabun aleem”, which means: “And there be warned those who disobey
His orders that a fitna may occurred to them or a painful punishment”

The great companion of Muhammad salla llahu älayhi
wa sallam, Ibnu Mas'üd said :

" Ittabi'ü wa lâ tabtadi'ü "

The Day Of Resurrection

D-day the Day Of Resurrection where all beings stand up to their Lord…

Actually Life is a long road full of hitches and hassles… Rises and Falls…

Just to be tested for all the Blessings we’ve been given… Life is simply a test…

So Allah would tell you, You the sinner… “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself…?

Disobeying me The Almighty? And hiding your committing sins from my creations…?

And with your Ingratitude you came up to Me? With what shall not be a savior to you…”

Oh Goodness haven’t I heard the word of Allah calling me…?

Haven’t I heard what has been revelled in Qaaf and Yaseen…?

Haven’t I been warned about that day…? Day of judgement… Day of resurrection…?

"Qul Inni akhâfu in ässaytu rabbi äthaba yawmin ätheem"